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Часть V


[1] ISO/IEC DTR 14252, Portable Operaring System Interface for Computer Environments - POSIX. (IEEE, P1003.0 Draft 18, Draft Guide to the POSIX Open System Environment, February 1995).

[2] ISO/IEC TR 10000-3: Information technology - Framework and taxonomy for International Standardized Profiles - Part 3: Principles and Taxonomy for OSE Profiles.

[3] ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (IEEE Std 1003.1), Information technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) -- Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language]).

[4] Робачевский А. Операционная система UNIX. СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2001, - 528 с.

[5] Б. Керниган, Д. Ритчи. Язык программирования Си. Пер. с англ., 3-е изд., испр. - СПб.: "Невский диалект", 2001. - 352 с.

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